I've found the creative act of drawing to be soothing, as well as rewarding. I don't expect to rival Van Gogh, though I do find satisfaction from expressing myself in this way.

A few years ago, when examining an aerial photo of an abandoned Indian village along a dry river bank (Anasazi, perhaps), the remaining building walls formed a grouping of rough squares, and an idea emerged.
What if all we could see were the walls from above? Since that time I've created a number of drawings using that theme.
This moon drawing is eighth in the "Moon Squared" series. If you've not seen one of my "squared" drawings before, look for the pun!
Hint: I have an engineering bent.
Bottom line: You possess the ability to create, too. (We humans are hard-wired that way.)
* This post updated from its original which appeared on Primate's Big Adventures.
Photo Credit: Connard Hogan