Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.
Carl Sandburg
Our minds are flexible and can comprehend written "words" that are misspelled, our of order, and without proper syntax.
Intrigued by the possibilities, I wrote this piece utilizing only last names taken from a local phone directory. Though best considered poetry, I think of it as experimental prose.
Quiet your analytical mind and allow your inner poet to conjure images of a May day of Roman feasting and orgy in ancient Rome.
Large Klan Knust Goode Laughlin Later. Nay, Trembley Cleek, Coil Covarrubias Cramblit.
Hungett. Hightower Grubb Smeltz Gundy. Eaton Cooke Schlumberger, Pepper Fiske, Frye Gammons, Boyle Hammerel, Bruice, Joyce Mellon, Berry Hobler, Plumb, Bilski, Tipple Even. Utt Saucedo, Herbst, Bessolo, Falasca, Thieme. Gibbings Echt, Ahn Zambelli, Popke, Sweet Kravetz . . . Anda Lopopolo.
Moodley Moy, Easley Laffin, Hooten, Singh. Downing Beers, Ganapes. Sevilla, Womble, Keeler Un Schloss. Longo, Mooy Casa Craven, Abel Feltch Ein Rabe Ong.
Arsht. Allyn Walski, Theno Blankenship Fellows, Unander Shade. Lively Hankey Babus, Huggins, Kabota Fealy Given. Free, Ex Lapidus. Grand, Good, Frock Ogle, Glanz, Salvito Ulery. Nupdal, Semple. Siple. Fuller Akin.
Sloley, Peebles Kolata Nangle, Mass Nottage. Sparkes, Whalen. Mass La Fevers, Mele, Morely Rangel. Hugo Poole Hove. Knapp, Knee Klinge. Wilde Ravel. Toole Pullen. Pressley Polsky. Neufeldt Palme, Rubin Rowbottam. Favela Esch Faria Fabio. Eger, Mahneke. Frazee Drumm Manly.
Keene Copus Romp. Organ Shankin. Sever Pace. La Fleur Luft, Eng Heldt. Ising, Inda Ella O'Dea. Rolle, Roan, Salvini Ruskin. Bottoms Brill, Ni Bray. Swett. Wolinsky Tingle. Valle Sota. Wolever Trimble.
Agh. Dunin. Wilt. Schwager, Stille, Schott.
No Moore Capella, Etzi Sleep.
(* This article oringinally appeared in The Offbeat Literary Journal.)
Photo Credit: Mina-Marie Michell - Pexels
You can email me: connard@connardhogan.com